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Chakra frequency

What are the Chakra Frequencies?

In essence, our body is an instrument, and the chakras are the strings. Our energy body / chakra system is composed of nine levels of consciousness. Each level of consciousness or chakra is tuned to a specific frequency we can see as a color in the rainbow. One is able to “feel” the chakra “strings” being activated when we are in the presence of a frequency matching one of our chakra frequencies due to a scientific phenomena knows as Sympathetic Resonance.

What is Sympathetic Resonance?

Sympathetic resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when a standing wave frequency comes into contact with an object tuned to the same frequency causing the object to vibrate at a level matching the generated frequency.
There are many examples of this occurring in our life.

  • If there are two guitars in a room tuned the same, you can pluck a string on one guitar and the same string on the second guitar will begin vibrating creating sound sympathetically to the first.
  • If you have ever been to a clock shop you will notice that all of the clocks tick together and the pendulums swing at the same rate.
  • In an auditorium, heartbeats synchronize together.

As you will come to discover, harmonic resonance provides us with objective reasoning and science proving the existence of the chakras, confirming claims made by our ancestors of seeing the rainbow-colored vortices of spinning energy in our bodies. Keep in mind – the frequency generates the color. Color and frequency is the same thing perceived by different senses, which becomes relative to our perception. Due to harmonic resonance and our acute ability to see color, we can now translate the reported colors of the chakras into frequency and musical notes. We can play musical notes and sing the colors of our chakras as a scale of music.
The table below provides us with a list of colors within the light spectrum and the range of possible frequencies in THz.

In our study of the chakra frequencies, we noted a great variety of frequencies reported for each chakra on the Internet. Based upon the testimonies of Indian masters able to witness “colors of the rainbow” from Red in the Root Chakra, to Violet or White in the Crown Chakra, we set out to examine frequencies found within the same harmonic range with each color, as noted in the chart above.

The table below lists our finding of each chakra frequency with its associated color.

The chakra frequencies listed above passes 4 important tests confirming their accuracy.

1. Chakra Frequency / Color test. Note how each chakra color falls within range of frequency as noted on table 1 shown above.
2. As the color spectrum is a scale of 7 colors, we are a scale of 7 chakra frequencies.
3. One is able to physically feel each chakra being activated when the frequency is being generated. (See 2 Minute Spirit Test for a demonstration)
4. Healing arts professionals are able to muscle test each chakra and frequency.

How we found the Chakra Frequencies.

After completing the ChakraKey book, I recognized a disconnection between the chakra colors reported by the masters during meditation and the variety of chakra frequencies posted by various companies online. Believing that the dots must precisely connect between the chakras and the frequencies I began a research project to discover the correct frequency for each chakra. To help with this project I recruited my friend Jan Spiller. We began by disregarding all of the frequencies posted online with a determination to obtain physical proof of their existence. Seeking help from a music professional, Jan and I met with, Hui Cox in New York City in search of an answer. After briefing Huey with our findings shown on the Visible Light Spectrum chart, he suggested we go to www.onlinetonegenerator.com and experiment with frequencies found within the color range shown for each chakra. Knowing that color is a manifestation of frequency and believing in the testimony of Indian masters, we began researching frequencies for the Root Chakra within the range of 430 to 480 hz. After trying several frequencies none of which seem to indicate any sort of response, I recalled the frequency of 432 as being a foundational frequency within nature. Once the frequency of 432 came on, Jan immediately felt the frequency in her root chakra. Jan is very energetically receptive to frequencies. I was not so quick to experience the frequency. It wasn’t until I started breathing more and playing with different hand techniques that I was able to absolutely feel the frequency with the palms of my hands. After trying several different variations of hand positions, I discovered one that seems to work very effectively for feeling each of the frequencies. Please note hand techniques for feeling each chakra in the 2 Minute Spirit Test video. Once we were certain we had the root chakra frequency identified, we began a systematic process for testing each of the chakras with frequencies within the prescribed range of color. Jan, being so energetically receptive was able to feel when the proper frequency was being played for each of the chakras. What we ultimately found were the frequencies shown on the Chakra Frequencies and Correlations Chart shown above. These frequencies have been tested by hundreds of yoga students and at small gatherings. More tests need to be completed. Thanks for watching the 2 Minute Spirit Test and checking out yourself. Let me know how it goes!


The Music of Chakras The Table below lists each chakra with its corresponding color and frequency including 2 octaves below. The lower octaves provide a more “gross” frequency and therefore easier to physically experience. Click on each chakra to hear its respective sine-wave tone.

ChakraColorFrequency1 Octave Below2 Octaves Below
Upper HeartBlue Green
Lower HeartYellow Green
Solar PlexusYellow

Why are Chakra Frequencies Important?

They provide us with evidence we can feel with our hands confirming they exist.
They provide us with an intellectual tie to our energy body.
They provide us with a path for healing our energy body
You can only master that which you can understand. We are empowered by understanding our energy body/chakra system. For within our chakra system lies the most important aspect of who we are as human spiritual beings.

Ultimately, we are musical beings with physical bodies. Our challenge in life is to master our physical instrument, that we might live together in harmony of though, purpose, and intention .Our bio-energy/chakra system is composed of a spectrum of frequencies we can see as colors in the rainbow, and experience as levels of consciousness. This fundamental aspect of the reality of our existence is science-based, and should be part of our natural sciences taught in all levels of education. If we are to live together as a family of human spiritual beings in Love, Peace, and Freedom, we should do so in alignment of consciousness with the reality of our existence.

Chakra Healing Modalities:
Healing is voltage. The chakras activate energetic pathways into nerve ganglia and organ systems within the body. Using music, intention, and the healing power from the human voice, energetic treatments can be produced specifically for each person’s needs. Within the treatment, a variety of frequencies can be combined that might include frequency through colored light energetic or healing touch that will encourage and improve the body’s natural healing abilities.

This table illustrates the relationship between the chakra colors and the wavelength of each frequency. The wave length equals the frequency equals the color.

For more information on Frequency and color: http://diannetrussell.com/energy/articles-2/truth-about-colour/