(760) 518-1602 [email protected]

Newfound Symbols Reveal the Human Spirit Design! Discover Your Multidimensional Nature Through Understanding Your Chakra Energy System.

ChakraKey is a composition of 3 spiritual symbols, that together illustrate the energetic design of the human spiritual being.


Life Mastery Courses

ChakraKey is a symbolic visual aid that makes it easy
to comprehend the spiritual realities of our existence!

Learn about Love, through the Chakras!

Life Mastery Courses will provide you with knowledge
you can use to better manage your life, including:

  • Who you are
  • Why you are here
  • Energetic Laws of Nature
  • How to Grow the Life you Love
  • How to Live a Happier, Healthier Life.
  • How to access the Power of Love within!

The Value of Inner Knowledge is Immeasurable!

ChakraKey Frequencies

Improve Your Inner Health
and Vitality!

Use the ChakraKey Frequencies as a
pitchpipe to match your voice to the precise
frequency for each of your chakras.

Combine the exercise with prayer and
energies from your hands, to activate natural
healing forces from within.

See Link: How to Feel Your Subtle Energies

Use the ChakraKey Frequencies to charge
your drinking water. Place a glass or bottle of
water in front of your speaker. Play desired
frequency for 3 minutes at medium volume.
Charge water for Inner Health & Vitality.
Water Holds the Vibe!

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Our Goal:

To help you experience a triumphant life of love, as an
ever-expanding creative expression of your divine light.

We are a family of
Human Spiritual Beings!
And we are all made
to LOVE!

Activate, Open, and Heal Your Energy Body
Using the ChakraKey Frequencies!

Here’s what people are saying about Chakrakey


I love what you are doing Rick. Amazing information that leads us to a deeper understanding of LOVE!

Linda O’Neill

I’ve been on the spiritual path since I was a teenager. ChakraKey is the only system that has provided me with proof of my existence as a spiritual being. I found it to be a helpful framework of spiritual principals for personal growth and evolution. When I verbalize the sounds with the frequencies, I can feel my chakras aligning and I’m able to gain deeper insights into my emotional makeup.

Jan Spiller

TheChakraKey symbols provide us with guidance for understanding something beyond our natural ability to comprehend. We can reason the information is true because of its experiential nature.

Brian Miller

ChakraKey helps us to identify the energetic centers in our body. This gives us a workable tool to understand and manage our emotions. Good stuff!


I was able to feel energy from each of the chakras. Enjoyed the awareness. Experienced lots of love!

Louis Robinson

ChakraKey is a Must Read for people looking for deeper insights into the meaning of life. I can trust in the symbols. I feel they speak the truth about who I am and the love that shines within me.

Amy – Mexico

As a spiritual teacher, I find Chakrakey symbols to be an excellent resource for understanding how the lower chakras interacts with the upper chakras. It all makes sense when you think about it…

Diana – Mexico

Nice work Rick! Who would have guessed that our chakra system is designed to express through our heart chakra? Now I know where to focus my energy when I am out of sorts…

Chris Y. Encinitas, CA

Love your book Rick. Great information about the chakra system.